The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen


The Emperor's New Clothes

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived an Emperor with a peculiar fondness for extravagant clothing. His obsession with new clothes was so extreme that he spent every last coin on them, neglecting his soldiers and avoiding the theatre. Instead, he relished every opportunity to parade in his latest attire, boasting a wardrobe stocked with a different suit for each passing hour. While other kings were engaged in important matters, the Emperor, it was said, could often be found lounging in his closet.

One fine day, two individuals arrived in town, boldly declaring themselves to be master weavers capable of crafting the most extraordinary cloth. Their claim was that the resulting garments would be invisible to those unsuitable for their positions or possessing a simple character. Intrigued by the prospect, the Emperor thought, "These must be magnificent clothes! With such a suit, I could easily discern the competence of my kingdom's subjects." Eager to possess this exceptional fabric, he generously handed over a considerable sum to the weavers and urged them to commence their work forthwith.

The two impostor weavers, however, set up their looms but engaged in no real work. Instead, they requested the finest silk and purest gold thread, stashing it away in their knapsacks. Throughout the day and into the night, they pretended to weave at their empty looms.

Curiosity eventually got the better of the Emperor, prompting him to send his trusted old wise man to inspect the weavers' progress. The wise man, perplexed by the sight of the vacant looms, thought, "What is the meaning of this? I cannot find a single thread on these looms." Despite his thoughts, he remained silent when the weavers inquired about their cloth, feigning enthusiasm for their imaginary creation.

The weavers, requesting more silk and gold to complete their non-existent work, received further payments and continued their charade. The Emperor, wanting a second opinion, dispatched another courtier to assess the situation. Like the wise man before him, this advisor saw nothing on the looms but pretended to be captivated by the alleged beauty of the fabric.

Unable to resist, the Emperor himself decided to witness the luxurious material still on the loom. Accompanied by officers and the two previous admirers, he approached the weavers, who intensified their pretend efforts. To the Emperor's dismay, he saw nothing. To save face, he praised the non-existent clothes, and everyone else, not wanting to appear foolish, echoed his sentiments.

News of the splendid invisible cloth spread throughout the city. On the day of the grand parade, the weavers, working diligently to keep up the illusion, pretended to present the Emperor with his unseen suit. As the Emperor walked through the streets, his subjects marveled at the magnificence of his new clothes, unaware that he was parading in his undergarments.

It wasn't until a perceptive child shouted, "But the Emperor has nothing at all on!" that the truth was exposed. The people finally admitted the deception, and the Emperor, feeling a bit embarrassed, continued the parade in his underwear. And so, the Emperor learned a valuable lesson about the dangers of blind trust and the importance of seeing beyond the illusions that others may weave.


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