The Odyssey of Homer


The Odyssey of Homer

SuperSummary, a contemporary alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, provides top-notch Study Guides featuring in-depth chapter summaries and analyses of major themes, characters, and more. Additionally, for specific classroom titles, SuperSummary offers Teaching Guides complete with discussion and quiz questions to encourage student engagement.

Summary and Study Guide


The Odyssey, an ancient Greek epic poem traditionally attributed to Homer, explores the restoration of a family after an extended separation. Scholars debate its composition, likely occurring around the late 8th century BC, following the adoption of the Greek alphabet. Initially an oral tradition, the text was later transcribed and organized, possibly in the 2nd century BC at the Library of Alexandria. Often hailed as the start of Western literature, the Odyssey draws from Near Eastern epics, focusing on themes like home, family, reciprocity, and the interplay of fate, gods, and human choices.

The study guide specifically refers to Emily Wilson's 2018 paperback translation, distinct from her 2017 hardcover version. The original Greek, composed in dactylic hexameter, takes on a new form in Wilson's iambic pentameter translation. Notably, the chapter divisions exist in the Greek text, but Wilson provides her own chapter titles.

The narrative begins with Odysseus absent from Ithaca for two decades, ten at Troy and another ten attempting to return. Facing challenges, including the wrath of Poseidon due to blinding his son Polyphemus, the gods intervene to set Odysseus's return in motion.

The First Four Books

The story commences in Ithaca, where Odysseus's wife, Penelope, contends with aggressive suitors. Convinced of Odysseus's demise, they demand Penelope's decision on a new husband. As they feast on Odysseus's herds without reciprocating, Penelope and their son, Telemachus, await Odysseus's uncertain return.

Odysseus's Wanderings

Odysseus's travels, from Calypso's island to encounters with gods and mythical creatures, showcase his resilience. He navigates challenges like the Lotus Eaters, the Cyclops Polyphemus, and the Laestrygonians. Circe's island proves pivotal, leading Odysseus to seek guidance from the prophet Tiresias. Despite hardships and the loss of his crew, Odysseus perseveres.

Return to Ithaca

Returned to Ithaca, Odysseus, aided by Athena, devises a plan to reclaim his home. Disguised and testing loyalty, he gains support from Eumaeus and others. With Athena's intervention, Odysseus defeats the suitors, executing justice. Reuniting with Penelope after passing her secret test, Odysseus faces threats from the suitors' kin, but Athena ensures peace and prosperity in Ithaca.

In conclusion, the Odyssey stands as a timeless epic, exploring the complexities of home, family, and the human journey, skillfully translated by Emily Wilson in a manner accessible to modern readers. SuperSummary's Study Guide serves as an invaluable companion for unraveling the layers of this ancient tale.


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